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[ Constitution  ]



In 1936 Dr. Roland Stevens, a medical student at the University of Rochester, and an ardent skier, obtained the names of several interested skiers from one of the local sports writers and formed the nucleus of this, the first organized ski club in the Greater Rochester Area.  During the second year the founding members tackled the ambitious project of clearing a slope in the Huntington Hills area--installing a rope tow powered by a Ford engine and lighting the slope with gasoline lanterns.  In subsequent years, the rope tow was abandoned.


A.  The name of the Organization shall be the Rochester Ski Club, referred to in the following text as the Organization.

B.  The objectives shall be:

a.  Support skiing among persons who are interested in all phases of skiing.
b.  Increase membership in the Organization.
c.  Provide a calendar of all activities for members.


A.  Membership - Any person 21 years of age and older interested in skiing and adhering to the objectives of the Organization may apply for membership.  Both the annual membership and financial year begin June 1 and end May 31.

           Classification of membership:

a.  Full Membership - A Full Member has the rights of voice, vote and holding office.
b.  Honorary Life - Discontinued.  Members previously granted Honorary Life Membership shall continue to have the right of voice, vote, and holding office, and be exempt from paying yearly dues.

B.  Dues - Yearly dues, and any “early-bird” payment discount, shall be determined by the Board of Directors. ONLY the Membership Secretary collects yearly dues.


1.  Officers - the title of the five elected officers shall be:  President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary.

2.  Board of Directors - The Board of Directors shall consist of: the five elected officers, Ex-officio Officer (immediate past president), and up to five members at large appointed by the five elected officials. Members at large shall be appointed to fill specific needs, i.e., Newsletter Editor, Ski Trip Coordinator, etc.

3.  Qualifications - All elected officers of the Organization must be members in good standing for one year prior to their election.

4.  Nomination and Election - Prior to March 15, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the membership, a slate of candidates for each office.  Elections will be held at the April meeting.  Officers shall be elected by a secret ballot to be mailed separately or included in a Newsletter to all voting members.  The ballot is to be mailed to an Ad Hoc Tally Committee appointed by the President before the April meeting, or be brought to the meeting and deposited in a ballot box.  Ballots will include a space for a write-in vote for each office.

If there is but one candidate for each office, a motion should be made, seconded, and passed that the club Secretary cast one ballot for the election of the slate of officers.

5.  Term of Office - The term of office for all elected officers shall be one year beginning with their installation at the May Meeting.

6.  Duties - Officers and Board members shall be obliged to:
            a.  Uphold and represent the interests of the Organization
            b.  Attend all Board Meetings.  If an officer or board member misses more than two consecutive meetings without being excused by the President, resignation of the position shall be requested.  Replacement shall be in accordance with Section 8,
            c.  Transfer all pertinent files/records that have been kept in an orderly manner over to each successor in order to maintain a history of the Organization.

                         1).  The PRESIDENT shall:

  • Be Chairperson of the Board of Directors.
  • Establish an agenda and preside at all regular meetings and Board of Directors meetings.
  • Call meetings of the Organization and/or of the Board of Directors in accordance with Articles V and VII.
  • Be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee
  • Appoint Committee Chair people
  •  As a designated signatory for the organization, sign checks in the absence or incapacity of the Treasurer
  • As a designated signatory for the organization, co-sign with the Treasurer, all checks greater than $5,000.

2). The VICE-PRESIDENT shall:


To continue reading the ByLaws in it's entirety:  Select / Click here.

Standing Rules

A. Officers

1. The Treasurer - shall: be responsible for obtaining appropriate bonding or liability insurance as directed by the Board of Directors. If bonding is requested, the signatories (President and Treasurer) will be bonded.
2. The Treasurer Keep reports of all major Organization activities (ski trips, etc.) segregated and separated.
a. Submit financial records to the Auditing Committee or designated experienced Auditor annually at the end of the fiscal year or before the start of a new presidential term.
b. Transfer all accrued accounts, credit cards, accounting software and reports promptly at the end of his/her term of office to the new Treasurer.
3. Organization checks shall not be made payable to any of the signatories (Treasurer and President) or any Relative of the Treasurer or President above $100 without authorization/approval from the Board of Directors as indicated in the Board’s Meeting Notes.

B. Committees

    1.      The AUDITING COMMITTEE - Consisting of three members or experienced Auditor appointed by the President. This committee shall audit financial records of the Organization and report the results at the May Board of Director’s Meeting.

    2.      The HISTORIAN will maintain all records deemed pertinent to the Organization by the Board of Directors following the retention period established in Organization Procedures I.

    3.      The PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE shall prepare and distribute a periodic newsletter (currently 5/year), trip brochures, flyers, etc.  at the discretion of the Board of Directors for the Organization.

    4.      The SOCIAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE shall consist of the following sub-committees:  General and Special Meetings.  Special Events (such as Gatherings, Summer Picnic, Pig Roast, etc.) Hospitality 
      a.      This committee will select meeting locations, programs, menus, (etc.) and welcome guests and members
        5.      The SKI PROGRAM COMMITTEE shall pursue and plan skiing activities/trips for the membership, and submit their plan for the Board of Director’s approval prior to its being released to the general membership by the Trip Coordinator.

        6.      The SUNSHINE COMMITTEE shall be apprised of and/or apprise the Board of Directors of illnesses, Deaths occurring to organization members and members of their immediate family (Immediate family to comprise of non-member spouse, parents, parents-in-law, siblings, and children.)  Recognition will be made in accordance with Organization Procedures VI - Sunshine.
        7.      WEBSITEshall consist as the communication vehicle(s) and / or repository of Rochester Ski Club: By-Laws, Officers, Procedures, Forms, Events, Applications, and Marketing materials
          8.      Credit Card Usage: Use of an individual’s credit card to pay for Organization events (such as banquets, trips/hotel charges, etc.) is not allowed.  Exception; If the Treasurer is not available then prior approval being granted by the Board of Directors as indicated in the Board’s Meeting minutes would be acceptable.

          To continue reading the Standing Rules in it's entirety:  Select / Click here.

          Organization Procedures


                      A.  The President’s and Vice-President’s files must be retained for a minimum of five years.

                      B.  The Secretary’s files must be retained permanently.

                      C.  Treasurer’s files must be retained for seven years.

                      D.  Committee files must be retained for a minimum of three years.

                      NOTE: At the end of the minimum time period, the Officers or Chairperson shall review the oldest records and, with the approval of the Board of Directors, release pertinent material to the Historian.


          A Liability Waiver is to be signed by ALL members at the time initial or renewal membership is made and when reservations are made for Club Sponsored trips.

          III.  ARRANGEMENTS FOR MEETINGS (Organizational and Board)

          The Non-Skiing Program Committee is charged with the responsibility of finding a location and making arrangements for Organization meetings.

          The President is responsible for determining when and where Board meetings will be held.


           The President maintains a list of Organization properties and where they are stored. (Note: We need to find out if the RSC has anything Newsletter article?)


          Organization pins are presented to new members.  The Membership Secretary keeps a record of who receives them and when. After a three-year lapse in membership, a member opting to rejoin the club may be awarded a new pin if requested. Replacement pins can be purchased at cost (Cost is determined by membership secretary).

           VI.  SUNSHINE (Illness/death of member or immediate family member)

          1.  Death of an active member - an appropriate card will be sent and an  announcement published in the Newsletter.
          2.  Illness occurring to members - an appropriate card will be sent and an announcement published in the Newsletter, only if agreed to by either the member or their immediate family.
          3.  Information regarding member’s immediate family (as defined in Standing Rules, 2. F.) shall only be announced in the Newsletter, if agreed to by either the member or their immediate family.
          4.  Any special acknowledgements may be decided upon by the Board of Directors.
          VII.  FORMS:

                      A.  Mandatory Forms: There are a variety of forms available for use within the RSC; however, it is a requirement that all RSC members strictly adhere to the indicated guidelines when using the mandatory forms listed below.

          1.      Rochester Ski Club Finance Report - Expense or Income:
          a. This form is always used when any request is made to the treasurer for:
          1.      Checks that are to be written for withdrawal from the Club’s bank account.
          Funds that are to be deposited to the Club’s bank account.

          b. When personal funds are used to pay for “incidental” expenses, sales receipts detailing the expenses must accompany this form when it is submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement. 

          c. Requests for ski trip expenses can only be made after the Board of Directors has approved the trips and the Ski Trip Coordinator has approved the contracts relating to these trips.

           d.  Coordinators of any trips or events are not allowed to deduct any expenses or reimbursements from trip/event funds. All funds received by any coordinator, for any trip/event are to be sent to the Treasurer to be deposited in the Club’s bank account.                   

          2.  Rochester Ski Club Membership Application/Liability Waiver; This form is required for all new or renewing RSC members.

          3.  Rochester Ski Club Activity Report - This form is completed at the conclusion of all major Organization activities (ski trips, special events, etc.) and released to the Treasurer with financial reports attached.

          4.  Rochester Ski Club Trip Application/Liability Waiver: This form is required  to be signed by each participant in any ski or special event trip.          

                      B. Non Mandatory Forms: Forms such as the Day Trip Planning and Extended Trip Planning forms are quite helpful for both new and experienced coordinators.

          VIII. SKI TRIPS. The RSC realizes that ski trips are the heart of the organization.  ......

          To continue reading the Organization Procedures in it's entirety:  Select / Click here.

          RSC Lottery Policy

          Rochester Ski Club Trip Lottery – policy update 2021 version 3

          In the event a trip is over-subscribed on the tenth day from open enrollment registration and publication (E-mail, USPS, & Website), a lottery will be held to determine participation. Trip registrations (including roommate(s)) will be pulled randomly out of a hat. The lottery will be conducted by the trip leader and two board members.
          Eligible trip participants must be a current member with a completed signed trip registration including the deposit paid and delivered to the trip leader by end of day 10.
          The trip leader, and board members who have registered for the trip will have priority. To the best of our ability, the selected lottery registrants will be assigned to whatever housing accommodations (hotel rooms, suites, condo, etc.) is available, according to the expressed lodging requests identified on the trip registration form. If the number of registrants on the form exceeds available room capacity, the excess member(s) will be added to a subsequent drawing. The name(s) of any excess members for a room can be decided among the registrants or randomly selected by drawing.
          Should the assigned accommodation not meet the expressed wish of the registrant(s), the registrant(s) can refuse, and the club will return their deposit.
          Registrant(s) who have not been selected will be ranked randomly by pulling theirname out of a hat and if desired will be included on the waiting list. Late registrant(s) at their option will be added to the waiting list in the order the registrant(s) are received.
          If there is a transportation constraint, the process described above is to be used to fill the first conveyance (Bus, Airplane, etc.). If there are not enough registrants to fill a second conveyance, these registrants will be given the option of arranging their own transportation and having the transportation allowance refunded or cancel their trip and obtain a full refund.
          All registrant(s) will be informed of their status and assigned accommodation in a timely fashion after the lottery.

          Rochester Ski Club, Rochester, New York

          Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software